Page name: Ugly People United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-20 21:44:26
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Ugly People United

By: [Aleka]
and also
[Dictated by Uncertainty]
What is Truth but Lies that Hurt, if someone is ugly, don't tell them... Remember it takes 42 muscles to frown but only four to bitchslap someone... don't make it you.

A poem by [Alrika]

Why so ugly
We know why
Your mama was ugly
Your papa is too
And the family tradition
Is going to you

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?
Isn't Uglyness also within the eye of the beholder?
so if you think your ugly.... or would like to volunteer someone who is.... contact [Aleka] below and we'll add you and your ugly companion to this prestigious guild!!!

Want to be a memeber? Please put your name in the Ugly People list, or contact [Aleka] and she will add you. Don't forget to grab a banner to put in your house at Ugly People's Banners! Thanks!

Yo Mama!
An area for insulting jokes about people's mothers....

Uglified People
An area where people can post pictures of famous people who have been manipulated to create a grotesque creature.

Ugly People's Banners
Banners for Ugly People United....sorry ugly banners were already taken so we got this page....

[Yanaba] has added the Yo Mama! page to ugly people united. link is located right above the banners. Have fun!
11/03/04[Aleka] has added the uglified pictures link, made a page for our banners cause this page was getting to big and is still adjusting things, but you can still use everything. Enjoy!
I also added numbers to everyone's name cause i wanted to know how many people had joined....

[¡Important Note!] Think you're the ugliest person on earth? Think that you are just so ugly that even the scared horror movie actors would run in fear at the sight of you? Think that you're so ugly that you face even Yo Mama! wouldn't love? Test that theory with the new Ugliest of the Month nominate who think is the uglies in this wiki!

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-30 [Aleka]: you gonna lose your head?

2004-10-30 [daclives4ever]: ~cry~cry~ i am grounded on halloween and i can't even go out for like 5 min's

2004-10-30 [Yanaba]: aw...that sux

2004-10-30 [daclives4ever]: i know right err i hate my 'rents and now my bf can't come over too

2004-10-30 [Dollie VOMIT]: That sucks

2004-10-30 [daclives4ever]: you have no idea me and my bf had plans

2004-10-30 [Disturbed Teen]: hay people how can i become a memmber of ugly people united?

2004-10-30 [Dollie VOMIT]: Click edit this page, add your name to the bottom of the list. Simple.

2004-10-30 [daclives4ever]: yeah it isn't hard even though my bf had a hard time with it lol

2004-10-30 [Aleka]: did he have a hard time with it??

2004-10-30 [daclives4ever]: he almost deleted everyone from the page by accident because he didn't know how to make it were you could click on his name and go to his page

2004-10-31 [Aleka]: ....well...i'm glad he didn't delete everyone...that'd be bad

2004-10-31 [Dollie VOMIT]: It would be fixable.

2004-10-31 [Yanaba]: wait...was he that one guy??

2004-11-01 [Aleka]: which one guy??? the guy who deleted the whole page?!?!? oh my god it better not be

2004-11-01 [Yanaba]: if it is and it was a mistake...truly a mistake...then i'm sorri and i completely forgive him....if not, well then he could just go to hell!

2004-11-01 [Aleka]: .. i don't think its him cause he's a member now so we can just breath and smile

2004-11-01 [Yanaba]: ok...

2004-11-01 [Aleka]: so how was everyone's halloween?

2004-11-01 [daclives4ever]: sucked total a$$ i had to hand out candy instead of gettin' it

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: aw...*cries for [daclives4ever]*...well, at least u didn't freeze ur ass off like we did cuz over here it snowed!

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Lol That must have been awsome! Trick-or-treating in teh snow...*le sigh* Ah, wouldst be teh greatness...o.o;

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: well, not so much cuz IT WAS FREEZING!!! but it was fun! not a lot of other trick-or-treaters so we got some good candy!!

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Aww...You're just a pansy >.< Lol Kidding, ofcourse :) I didn't go trick-or-treating. I'm just so hardcore like that o.o;; Er...I mean...I'm just not cool enough to go...

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: NAH! all the cool people stay inside and the freaks go out and freeze their asses!! lol

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Lol I'm cool now?! Oh yay!! o.o; Wait.. You've got me mistaken. I belong outside, freezing and trick-or-treating!! *nod*

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: well, next year you can hopefully join the rest of the freaky paper bagged people and celebrate halloween with us!

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Lol Naw, I think I'll just sit in my corner, playing my oldschool video games on muh Sega!! o.o;; I think next year I'll upgrade to an Atari though. Yea. That'll be pimp. o.o;; I'm the epitomy of dork >.^;;

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: dorks rule!!!

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Yea they do!!

2004-11-02 [backfrommygrave5]: i think i am the uglyiest here

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: hey, we're all ugly! It's why we're all here! lol

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Exactly!

2004-11-02 [Aleka]: we can't rate who is ugliest....were all ugly!!!

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: It would be unjust to rate who is ugliest. Really, it would. Ugly people have feelings, too.

2004-11-02 [Aleka]: yes i agree...we must just remain equal and unjudge within are group

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Yep...

2004-11-02 [Yanaba]: is "unjudge" a word?

2004-11-02 [Aleka]: ...i don't know....why are you picking apart everything i write...berni why do you abuse me so?? 8*(

2004-11-02 [Dollie VOMIT]: Lol Doesn't really matter if it's a word, so long as you understand what been said.

2004-11-02 [daclives4ever]: i am so lost can someone tell me what is goin' on

2004-11-03 [Yanaba]: well, just now i was criticizing [Aleka] for using a word that doesn't're in ap english, mary. I expected better from you *shakes head slowly* tisk :p

2004-11-03 [backfrommygrave5]: ohh ohh ohhhhh. i have an idea we should have an ugly contest...we can take ugly pics

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: ....i don't want to rate people i really dont...i was thinking we could add a page with famous hot people who have distorted enough to be ugly but still neighbors got a lot of i'll get some of hers and post em so you all know what i mean k

2004-11-03 [Yanaba]: ooo...of what?? ugly houses? ugly people? ugly dogs?.....

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: neighbor has ugglified hillary w bush..clinton...kerry...christina augularia(sp?)....some other peeps i can't member

2004-11-03 [Yanaba]: *gasp*!!!! we should have those things where you pull their faces and u make em ugly!!!!

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: thats what i'm talking about...!!!

2004-11-03 [Yanaba]: YAY!!!! we so should!!! does she make 'em?? if we get 'em somewhere we'd have to cite the source...

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: of course... i already asked her, but i haven't talked to her since but i'm staying at her house tomorrow night so that shouldn't be a problem...i might even get her on elfttown tomorrow who knows?

2004-11-03 [Yanaba]: ok....that's cool!

2004-11-03 [backfrommygrave5]: thats a great idea ...... we should have celibrities like marilyn manson who trys to look ugly but still look awsum,is that a good idead?

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: yeah sure...why not

2004-11-03 [daclives4ever]: that is so cool

2004-11-03 [Aleka]: now all i have to do is impliment this new idea...damn

2004-11-03 [daclives4ever]: you don't have to do it it would just make your site even cooler

2004-11-04 [Aleka]: LOL...i will do it....just give me a day or two...then it'll be done

2004-11-04 [Aleka]: i said i'd do it...its not done but i did it, now all i need are recommendations and advice for everything i did do

2004-11-04 [daclives4ever]: marilyn manson without a dought and skipknot

2004-11-05 [Aleka]: add em then...8)

2004-11-05 [Aleka]: WOW we got 40 MEMBERS!!!! yipppY!! i'm so happy

2004-11-05 [Corp USA Bad]: I hope you enjoy my pictures on Uglified People

2004-11-05 [Yanaba]: yay

2004-11-05 [Corp USA Bad]: Yay indeed

2004-11-05 [Aleka]: were enjoying them...though one is particularly painful

2004-11-07 [Corp USA Bad]: Like i said, i give no mercy. it was my sworn duty to uglify orlando bloom!

2004-11-07 [Yanaba]: aw....oh well, it could've been worse...maybe...

2004-11-07 [Yanaba]: the one of hillary duff will haunt my nightmares forever...*shudders*

2004-11-07 [Dollie VOMIT]: Hilo everyone :)

2004-11-07 [Yanaba]: hello!

2004-11-07 [Dollie VOMIT]: What is crackilizing?

2004-11-07 [Aleka]: hmmm....never heard that word....or we smoking or something or are we making cracks in the ground....

2004-11-07 [Dollie VOMIT]: Lol I mean "What's up?" ^^;; I'm so ghetto >.>;;

2004-11-07 [Aleka]: ...ahh...ummm...homework college apps and all that crap u?

2004-11-07 [Dollie VOMIT]: Sounds fun. Oh snap..I've got homework...*le sigh* Grrrr...

2004-11-08 [Aleka]: everyone has homework..8(

2004-11-08 [Dollie VOMIT]: I know! It's a curse...

2004-11-08 [Aleka]: a curse which should never have been put on us!!

2004-11-08 [Dollie VOMIT]: Exactly...Grrr....

2004-11-08 [Aleka]: *shakes her fist in the direction of her school* YOU"LL GET YOURS YOU EVIL BASTARDS!!!

2004-11-08 [Yanaba]: I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!

2004-11-08 [Aleka]: nooooo!!! no is to good sometimes to consider dieing so wait for another good time....

2004-11-09 [Yanaba]: how bout before finals?? sound good?

2004-11-09 [Aleka]: ...thats actual a tempting offer for on the other hand only have one ap class...i have 3 thus i should kill myself before finals

2004-11-09 [Yanaba]: two art classes-- in a row, might i add--can also be very stressful. Each one requires you to put some of your feeling into your work, plus if you do that then it usually becomes this huge intricate piece, so u end up having to make something really complex while pouring part of yourself into's very exhasting!

2004-11-10 [To:AllYouLovers]: ya well im stupid so ya :) make u fell better?

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ...stupidity is in the eye of the beholder....right now i look pretty dumb cause i took on a load that's gonna kill me.....look i've lost weight b/c of all this damn stress and i like be thin but not this fucking thin *glares at the world* where are the donuts?!?!

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: at least you didn't decrease in cup size...*she says grudgingly*

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ...*looks down* they look bigger....i think its cause my stomach is turning into hilly's flat and alterable depressing

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: i like hilly's stomach! damn i wish i were that skinny!!!!....just with

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: LOL...their over rated...i'm gonna have major back issues and my shoulders always hurt from the damn bra strap...8(

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: ouch!......there is breast reduction...

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: i am actually considering be reduced to a C cup that would be so much nicer

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: eh...i still say ur blessed, but whatev makes u happy!...hey, let's trade! lol

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ...sorry me and hilly already have a deal...she gets boobs when i get mine reduced...8*P

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: aw.....damn. Well, i get emily's if she ever gets hers reduced.....or gabby's she's the size i used to be.

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ...emily likes hers the way they are....though god i think they've grown...which is scary considering how much shorter she is compared to me

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: plus she like runs 5 miles a day....u'd think she'd lose some of it...

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: no she doesn't run she walks....her run is my fast walk and i know she'll kill me for saying it but its true...and she doesn't run as much as she use to since cross country ended

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: lol....THE TRUTH FINALLY COMES OUT!!! lol

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ...i always tell the truth you just have to ask the right questions

2004-11-10 [daclives4ever]: lol i don't get this at all i am so lost

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: ....don't worry were just discussing boobs....

2004-11-10 [Yanaba]: ....yeah....i'm not as well endowed as mary is

2004-11-10 [Aleka]: no she's just a lil' bit smaller than me....

2004-11-11 [Yanaba]: A BIT!!!???? never mind....whatever....lie, mary.....

2004-11-11 [Aleka]: i was trying to be nice/....

2004-11-11 [Yanaba]: oh..ok thanks for trying! :)

2004-11-11 [Aleka]: anytime....i do lie or exagerate or omitt facts to upraise a persons self esteem

2004-11-11 [Yanaba]: lol

2004-11-11 [Aleka]: i never claimed to be perfect....just truthful even if i ommitt a word here or there.

2004-11-12 [Yanaba]: hey look! more people!

2004-11-12 [Aleka]: i love this best creation ever....and people are joining *jumps up and down with joy*

2004-11-13 [Yanaba]: yay for jumping!!!

2004-11-13 [Aleka]: ....well i didn't think that would excite you but hey whatever works...

2004-11-13 [Yanaba]: uh......nvm...i'll just leave that one alone

2004-11-13 [Aleka]: good....i was hoping you'd say that

2004-11-13 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: how is everyone?

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: uh...good??..u?

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: ehh...not bad...

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: no one's on here anymore either...

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: i know...are conversation about boobs scared them off

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: actually scared ppl w/ out sarah's help!

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: i know its an accomplishment

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: lol

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: so berni you think its gonna snow any time soon?

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: uh....i hope not.....not until december.....then it could pour down all the snow it wants!

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: ..why??!?!?

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: i still need to take my licence test

2004-11-16 [Aleka]: omg... berni!

2004-11-16 [Yanaba]: lol

2004-11-27 [daclives4ever]: umm ok i am out

2004-11-27 [Yanaba]: out? out where? one was responding or talking so me and aleka had a few convos on here.....but please talk! talk talk talk!!!! We appreciate people joining in on conversations! Sorri if we scared anyone...well i am...don't know about aleka...

2004-11-27 [Aleka]: lol... i will not apologize for having a conversation on my wiki!!

2004-11-28 [Yanaba]: *tisk tisk*

2004-12-04 [Aleka]: we got a new member!!

2004-12-04 [Dollie VOMIT]: Spiffie!

2004-12-06 [Yanaba]: yay!!!! :)

2004-12-06 [Yanaba]: so how is everyone?

2004-12-06 [Aleka]: i'm sick....

2004-12-06 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: aww lucky ! i wanna be sick

2004-12-07 [Aleka]: do you.... well let me just cough and spit in your mouth and i bet you'll get it....

2004-12-07 [Yanaba]: gross

2004-12-07 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: lol

2004-12-08 [Aleka]: i agree that i am a disgusting ugly person.. 8)

2004-12-09 [Yanaba]: yay for ugly people! lol

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: go ugly people!!

2004-12-10 [Yanaba]: *snores*

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: no snoring on my page!!!

2004-12-10 [Yanaba]: one's here

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: we just got a new memeber!! and you say no one is here!

2004-12-10 [Yanaba]: well....where is he/she??

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: i don't know!! but they added their name!! so they can't be far!

2004-12-10 [Yanaba]: hello????? *looks around for the new person*

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: shh you might scare em away!!

2004-12-10 [Yanaba]: ....

2004-12-10 [Aleka]: i said shhh berni!!

2004-12-11 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2004-12-11 [Aleka]: 8)

2004-12-15 [Yanaba]: *wispers* are they here yet???

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH don't scare em away you ninny!

2004-12-16 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: u guys half the people that join are actually really pretty !?

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: ...yeah... but thats are oppinion of them... they may think their really ugly so what am i to do... segregate them b/c of my vision of beuty... just doesn't seem very nice

2004-12-16 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: oh and most are girls .. hmm

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: lol! really?

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: do we have any guys?

2004-12-16 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeah my fiends boyfriend and another friend o fmine ..thats i know of ..

2004-12-16 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: an dyeahi agree with what u said was just someting i noticed

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: yeah!!... well thats a statement of the obvious

2004-12-16 [Yanaba]: hmmm....girls tend to be more selfconcious...obviously, whereas guys are just like "look at the godlike figure that is me!! I am beautiful and God's gift to women"....not all, but most. at least the guys at my school are....*coughs*WADE*coughs*

2004-12-16 [Aleka]: ...really? i only know a few guys like that... lol wade... aww see he reminds me of my bro phill and i told him so and now he thinks i hate him...

2004-12-17 [Yanaba]: O.o......u hate wade...wade reminds u of ur bro you hate phill?

2004-12-17 [Aleka]: i don't hate wade!! he thinks i hate him b/c i told him i couldn't stand him b/c he reminds me of phill who i've lived w/ my entire life and really don't need another version of in my life

2004-12-17 [Yanaba]: but.....well......okay

2004-12-17 [Aleka]: ... i avoid wade... though people seem to love to stick us in the same class in the same fgroups...damnit why!?

2004-12-17 [Yanaba]: lol haha

2004-12-17 [Aleka]: ....*sob*

2004-12-17 [Yanaba]: don't worry, i'll pray he isn't in ur class this means he'll be in mine....i'd like to retreact my last statement.....

2004-12-17 [Aleka]: damn you!

2004-12-20 [Yanaba]: lol

2004-12-20 [daclives4ever]: what is goin' on ahhh my tummy hurts

2004-12-20 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: hey dez ..

2004-12-20 [Aleka]: ...i never know whats going on.. but hi!

2004-12-21 [To:AllYouLovers]: shit dude its lonly up here in minasota with out dez!!!

2004-12-21 [To:AllYouLovers]: crap*

2004-12-21 [Aleka]: ...i'm sorry.... hope you find something to entertain yourself

2004-12-22 [Yanaba]: hehehe...some"thing"....sorri.....couldn't help's everyone doing?

2004-12-22 [Aleka]: berni your sick... just sick... this isn't hilly's hookers or mary's man whores it ugly people united!! remember that

2004-12-23 [Yanaba]: sorri....i blame

2004-12-23 [Aleka]: lol.. as you should

2004-12-27 [Darkside Of Ambition]: hey all

2004-12-27 [Aleka]: wassup!! your #50! we have fifty members *does a lil gig* i'm so happy!

2004-12-28 [To:AllYouLovers]: lol w/e

2004-12-28 [Darkside Of Ambition]: lol yay?

2004-12-29 [Yanaba]: yes....yay....hehe

2004-12-31 [Aleka]: 8).... i'd make you a banner or something but i can't draw....

2005-01-01 [Yanaba]: banner?? for what? that we have 50 ppl and counting?

2005-01-01 [Aleka]: ...for the person who made us 50 members..... you know to thank em for joining... nvm... i can't draw anyway so someone else would have to do it...

2005-01-09 [Yanaba]: but, mary....there is the great...the powerful...the all-knowing, all-doing...(dun dun duuuunnn) PHOTOSHOP!!!!!! Just type 50 and use pretty colors and somehow save it and transfer it on here.

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